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Speeding up some websites

 Lately my pet project is learning to speed up the loading time of my many websites. Here is a site as a first example and the tool i'm using to analyze the speed is from Google called LightHouse . The reason I chose to optimize this first is that it's probably the first website I had made on Carrd, and it is also one with the highest load times.  I'm trying to get it down from a 29% performance & 19.3 second load time and I'm wondering if I were to transfer the site to a CDN like cloudflare if that would help. Okay, so after realizing that carrd already has some optimization and lazy loading features built into its template, I was still able to improve the score by 1% by changing all the images. Or this might be a time related 1% as now it's superlate and I imagine the internet isn't slow. I am super frustrated though as I am not sure why this one is so much lower ranked than the other pages. I am listening to this video:

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