Memoirs and 5 year journals

 Days 2 and 3.

Fibonocci sequence of journalling-

July 16 & 17

July 16th-

2011 - Carmageddon was very easy and I went with M to the BMC party. We met with T and  I was called beautiful by a random caterer. We put away chairs

2012- Woke at 7:30 and drove to meet 3 peeps at Sep site for AD mtg. Ate bfst and learned of BDNF. went to training and called D. He called back and answered the second time. Went shopping, bellydancing, baked and ate a late 2nd dinner with US of Tara.

2013- Tuesday Went to work and forgot my taichi DVD. Brought my VCR lost wallet in trunk with b/d skirt. Got so much food from Sarah & Angie

2014- Wednesday got a call from Laurie before work. Rc'd Probiotic cold ish D still busy. Erica called about SFish Evelyn talkt my ears off re both A & J. Watched lots of 6' under with ? cards for WGL.

2015- Thurs, met Diana and talkt about Belgium, etc. Did some jogging in the morning. Missed bellydance, saw ROberta.

2016- Watched Ellie & life of Pete, with patricia and ate kula sushi, yori's rent mostly paid, fixed phone, :) went over Ed's after On shoot and ate out with him take out asian fusion fell asleep early.

2017- WF mtg sunday with D

2018- Woke with Ed, Went to work, got lots of notes for the day half done. Back tracked and saw lots missing. Went and called Mandy to debrief. Got to shop at Target. Marshalls, no boots 40$, ok dresslily dammit.

2019- Supervision with C and A. Nice but scary, Daunting. lots of pruning. Short day with lots to do.


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