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5 mins of Matthew Mc... nope make that 47 seconds

 I stopped listening to the youtube at 47 seconds because he said something that irked me. "Don't fall into the entitlement trap of feeling like you're a victim." That's not right. You cannot lump those two things together.  That makes no sense. Someone writing that would see that's not the same thing.  This felt like sloppy editing, and I suddenly felt hurt by that. Some famous rich white guy is preaching some basic shit that someone not only wrote for him, but also edited it back together in a way that made less sense.  Or maybe that he did say it that way, and people didn't choose to scrutinize that because his presence made them listen harder; or they tried to sweep it under all that dramatic music. My life is not going to change just because you can swing two polar opposite sentences together that have no personal meaning to you. Some rando person making stupid advice as if they know everything just because they are "well off" in the able-is

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