July 15th and 365 day, 10 year Bio

 Today is the first day of the rest of my life and I am doing something slightly differently than usual:

I'm gathering all three of my five year journals, some of which will be empty for some years, as I had no more journal between 2020 and 2022.  And I'm using them to make notes of what I did over the last decade or so.

I started with this tri-color Washi tape:

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 3 Five year Journals

What is a five year journal? It's any log you keep where each page represents one day of the year, and that page is split up into five equal sections so that each section is another year. There are usually about five lines per year.

Journal 1:

In 2011, July 15: Friday visited Video Clinic for the first time & saw Ethel with more shoes & a bag
2012, July 15:
I had a hard time sleeping and woke at 5am Manic I said to myself & I swam at 9:30 at the Y. I went w/ P & K to see B & D at journalling. I went by myself to the beach. Sun Burnt my face; felt crazy.
2013, July 15:
Monday Went to work & bellydance got a dental appt Cancelled Donations, Netflix
2014, July 15: Tuesday Finished characters with WGL Went to Choir after lots of emails btwn L & MLB. Asked to eat with D who text back tomorrow? Good IV
2015, July 15: Wednesday Went to work. Did CWed Notes w/ errors from Supervisor

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Journal 2:

2016, July 15: 198.4 / 62 bpm avg/ 40.5" waist woke up w/ a dream about "Do it for me & for A". Another weird dream of lizard feel & face. Went to Lavender hot cocoa & Pdoc. Ate lots of french pastry. Cleaned hammy cages. Went to Bellydance & stretch class.

2017: Met Ed

2018 (Sunday): Woke w/ Ed. Went Swimming in beach and took a shower. Napped & missed 2 call outs. Went to Smart & Final. Went w/ D to WF's Mvmt. Felt a bit harassed by S-M's $. Got paid by new guy? Went to St. Francis Ped Veh

2019: RS, HLS other one on ones,  Caught up with some old notes.

Blank for 2020-2022

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Journal 3:
2023: Saturday Wrote newsletter & Bylaws agenda, found my journal Period Started, Humble Potato, K&E chopped sandwich.

Here are some notes about the cumulative effect of reading about July 15 through a decade of notes... I know that I'm inconsistent, where some years I kept track of the day of the week or how well I slept, and I tend to keep names as initials instead of full names for confidentiality sake. At this point I don't recall much of those days at all. I'm wondering if I'll find what I'm looking for. I guess I'm tracking a couple of special occasions and I wanted some perspective on how they fit into my life.


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